Are you thinking of making some New Years Resolutions?
Maybe you’re thinking of…
Taking more exercise?
More rest and relaxation?
Taking more quality time with your family and friends?
More ‘US’ time?
Some fun times in 2024?
The Waiting Room Pool is ready and waiting for you
Do you need to get away from it all in a peaceful, relaxing, location where you’ll have exclusive use of your own private hot tub for two?
Look no further… The Sidings or The Signal Box are ready to welcome you
Or maybe you’d like to improve your diet and eat healthier food?
Our free range chicken’s eggs will provide you with some high quality protein for your diet…

On the subject of eggs…
We keep pet chickens here at the Old Station and have experienced an increase in demand over the past year from local’s who buy our eggs, guests staying at The Signal Box and The Sidings and hirers of The Waiting Room Pool.
To manage this demand we have increased our original little flock of Warren’s and Copper Maran hens and introduced lots of lovely new different breeds of chickens, some of which lay beautifully coloured eggs including blue, green and chocolate brown. We now keep 31 clucking happy hens who live the large enclosure beside our front gates and we have three fox proof chicken houses for them to roost in at night.
All the chickens (with the exception of three fussy bantams with attitude who won’t leave their run) like to free range in our gardens on fair weather days; so they are all living their best lives.
I’m a big fan of chickens and I probably spend a little too much of my time with them every day but if you too, keep or like chickens you may well understand this interest, when you get to know chickens and understand them you discover that they are fascinating unique creatures and each one also has it’s own specific ways and distinctive personality.
We should be able to cope with the demand for our eggs this year (finger and feathers crossed) so if you’d like some eggs, regularly or on an ad-hoc basis do let me know (by text or email) and I’ll put you on the list ready for when the girls come back in to lay. The chickens are laying three eggs a day already so it won’t be long before we have plenty of eggs available again.
For a bit of background, hybrid chickens are bred and kept to lay all year round and often do, most other chickens generally require enough daylight each day to lay their eggs and as the daylight increases each day, our chickens one by one will come back into lay.
We will put signs up in The Waiting Room Pool and advise guests in The Signal Box and The Sidings welcome message when eggs are available again for sale.
Eggs are £1.60 for 6 eggs, our chickens are fed organic chicken feed and lay the most egg-ceptional eggs.
Christmas and New Year at The Waiting Room Pool
Our first Christmas has been nothing short of magical, it’s been so special to see mainly families using the facilities this season coming together to relax in the pool and hot tub in the warm environment – we do like the heating turned right up at this time of year, no one likes to be cold!
The weather seems to have been grim for a good while now with seemingly endless rain and high winds, it’s great to have so much cheerfulness and joy around us with the happy comings and goings of family groups and it’s also great that our facilities are indoors and almost enhanced by the stark contrast with the elements.
It’s heartwarming to see the Old Station lit up with Christmas lights and also wonderful that so many people have been enjoying evening and even night time swims, with the station lights alight on the platforms it’s marvellous for the station to again be so purposeful.
Throughout the winter months we will be open, as always, 7 days per week from early until late and we look forward to welcoming regulars and new visitors to the pool in 2024.
If you fancy a swim or swim and hot tub, we’re pretty much always here and we will always try and fit you in if we can, even at the last minute. Don’t forget that we have free Wi-Fi and Bluetooth speakers so you can enjoy your swim session with your favourite music or radio station to keep you company.

And finally…
A big THANK YOU to everyone who has supported our new and fledgling businesses by booking The Signal Box or The Sidings and hiring The Waiting Room Pool, we very much appreciate your support and hope we’ll see more of you in the coming year ahead. This year has been a steep learning curve for us and we continue to learn and grow and we plan to maintain our standards and continue to improve our offering in 2024.
Wishing everyone good health, peace and much happiness in 2024